Mr. Garcia opened the night with a speech highlighting how the evening would go, then he handed the mic over to three student speakers. Rumani Kafle told the parents about the basics of the project; how the students had to select an object, take it apart, and build it on Inventor. Radcliffe Hall spoke about the difficulties that students faced with the project, and Caroline Ober thanked the teachers for their help and support. The student speakers were all wonderful, and their teachers would like to thank them again.
Mr. Garcia opening the night |
From left to right: Rumani Kafle, Radcliffe Hall, and Caroline Ober |
After another brief interlude by Mr. Garcia, parents and guests were allowed to see the students' projects. The students and guests were given cards that motivated conversations, with questions such as "What was the most difficult aspect? What was the easiest? What did you enjoy the most about the most?" If students got enough signatures on their cards, they could enter into a raffle that awarded a $25 Barnes and Nobles gift card.
The night was a resounding success. The teachers were impressed, the parents were delighted, and the students enjoyed themselves. The projects looked fantastic and everyone could see the time and effort that went into them.

The winner of the gift card was Caroline Ober. The students were all given extra credit for attending, and their teachers would again like to congratulate them not only on a fantastic project, but a fantastic year.