Monday, November 26, 2018

The Learning Fair: What to expect

The Learning fair will be held on December 13th in the Doherty cafeteria. Students will have the option to purchase pizza before the learning fair for a reasonable price that will be disclosed later on. Students that purchase pizza are asked to arrive around 5:30 pm and students that do not purchase pizza are asked to arrive around 6:00 pm. The learning fair shall promptly begin at 6:30 pm. When students arrive, they will be greeted by a table with sign in sheet for extra credit. Students are asked to sign in to their respective homeroom sheet. Posters will be set up in the cafeteria, around the canal which is made up of the models. The evening will begin with a short speech from Mr. Garcia and two student speeches. One student speech will cover the classwork and the other student speech will cover the students' experiences with the project. The projects will then be open to be viewed by the parents and attendees of the learning fair. Students are asked to remain by their projects while the projects are open for display. There will also be two raffles, one student raffle and. Parents are encouraged to interact with students and inquire about their project. Students can take their project home with them.

More photos can be found here: Blackstone Canal Learning Fair 2016 Photos

NOTE: Make sure that your design is to scale, or POINTS WILL BE TAKEN OFF. Below are a student example of a complete project.