Monday, December 7, 2015

Kelly House, Lincoln/Cumberland, RI

Ranger Chuck Arning presenting a slide show on life in the mill village in the classroom
On October 7th, Ranger Chuck Arning spent the morning at Doherty High School to explain the many different lifestyles of the people in the Industrial Revolution. This slide show contained historic photos, primary sources, and quotes from this time period in New England. Students used this opportunity to ask questions and prepare themselves for their next field trip. The National Park Services has been an invaluable partner to support teachers and students with the Blackstone Cross-Curriculum Project. 

On October 8th, students from the ETA went to Kelly House. Kelly House is the site where the Kelly Mill and village once stood. Students explored the mill owner's house, which has been converted into a museum, detailing the evolution of factories and industrial life. Students walked along the canal, analyzing the challenge of effective water control. Students designed and presented solutions for better management of the Blackstone River. Finally, students learned how the workers lived in the village next to the factory. This field trip was made possible by the funding from the National Park Foundation "Ticket To Ride" Program. 

Ranger Chuck Arning helping students connect history and engineering.
The National Parks Service worked as a team with the staff from the Kelly House Museum to help students understand life and technology during the Industrial Revolution. The students applied this knowledge to their Blackstone Canal projects. 

This what students said about the trip:
  • "We [took] a tour of of what was left from the Industrial Revolution..."
  • "We walked around and saw the factory."  
  • "I learned about the history of the place and how everything worked." 
  • "On this field trip we went to a mill and saw what they did and what the canal was used for."
  •  "On this field trip we learned about how factories worked and about how they received power." 
  •  "On the field trip, we took a tour of the Kelly House and tried to find a way to fix water distribution."
  •  "We walked around the mill area, discussed our plans to control the canal water, and had a mini tour of the Kelly House."
  • "We took a look at the old mills and canal..." 
  • "...we learned where the old mills where with a map..."
  • "...we saw what [the factories] looked like years ago..."

The students had this to say about what they learned:
  • "The Blackstone Canal created mill villages."
  • "The bell controlled what time people got up."
  • "Mill owners controlled the people."
  • "We saw a figure of Captain Kelly."*
  • "...about mills around the Blackstone River..."
  • "...about the living conditions of people in the mill village..."
  • "The factory is used as a residential area now."
  • "How the canal trade port works."
  • "How long it took to get from Worcester to Rhode Island."

* Captain Kelly was the owner of the Kelly mill at one time.