Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Reverse Engineering Learning Fair

   The ETA's next cross-curriculum project will based around reverse engineering. Students will have to research and reverse engineer a product with a minimum of five pieces. They will need to detail the history, function, design, and how this product is used by the human body. Students will use technical writing, graphics, and Inventor to complete the project.
Each Student Will:
  1. Research an existing existing technology/product
  2. Complete and submit the "product approval sheet" in Engineering
  3. Submit a list of dates of their technology/product and world events timeline in History
  4. Submit a paper demonstrating technical writing of their technology/product in English
  5. Complete a graphic organizer on how how the technology/product impacts human anatomy in Biology
  6. Compute the surface area and volume of the technology/product in Algebra/Geometry
  7. Complete and submit Inventor files and working drawings in Engineering
  8. Display their work on a poster board in a aesthetically pleasing design

     If students want to, they can attend the learning fair on May 17th for extra credit.